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SMT Chip Inductors

END-OF-LIFE  / Discontinued   Product Notice     06/01/2000     NIN-S_

Product Affected: SMT Chip Inductors

Please be advised that the following is notice that NIC has discontinued
production of the NIN-SA and NIN-SC series of shielded inductors effective June 1, 2000. Limited production of these series will continue
on values that are currently being supplied to existing customers, but
NIC will not accept new orders for new applications – customers.


Same Size "SA" (1210): NIN-FA / NIN-NA / NIN-PA
Same Size "SC" (1008) NIN-FC / NIN-NC / NIN-PC or NIN-HC
Reduced Sizes:  NIN-HD or NML series 

If you have any questions, or need any further information, please contact NIC 

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